Kumadvathi College of Education

  (08187) 222383, 222067

Library Rules

  • Five books will be issued to each student for a period of 8 days.
  • A Fine of Rs. 1=00 per day per volume is charged for the books returned after due date.
  • Books marked as reference books will not be issued except for consultation in the library.
  • Books will be issued only on presentation of the Identity card.
  • The students are required to possess their Identity cards while inside the library.
  • Books issued from the library should be used with every care and in no case be disfigured or damaged. At the time of the issue of the book the student himself/herself must check whether the book is disfigured or damaged otherwise the student will be held responsible for the damage.
  • The loss of book should be reported to the librarian before the due date and usual fine will be charged till the book is given back. Otherwise the borrower will pay in the office double the amount of the value of the book.
  • The students are expected to maintain perfect silence in the library.
  • The library will be kept open from 9:30 A.M to 5:30 P.M. and on Saturdays from 9:30 A.M to 3:30 P.M on all working days.
  • The books will be returned at the time of collecting the Hall Tickets, failure to return the books will result in withholding of the Hall Tickets.
  • Any rude behavior with the library staff will be dealt with seriously.